Received SPOTS
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Last updated
This section allows you to retrieve all the POTA spots submitted during your activation. All POTA cluster spots are stored for 31 days. You can fetch the data by clicking on the appropriate button.
Similar to POTA Spots, you can filter and sort this section by various criteria. A useful feature here is that you can check if you have logged all the spots you received, helping you determine if you missed any QSOs. A green check icon will appear if the logged QSO corresponds to the received spot and the time of the re-spot falls within a 20-minute window around your QSO time (+/- 10 minutes). A red cross icon will appear if the received spot is not present in your QSO list. A blue warning icon will appear if the logged QSO corresponds to the received spot, but the time does not fall within +/- 10 minutes of the logged QSO.